Thursday, July 25, 2013


The vehicle in this period called carriage by using 4 wheels to be able to support a big truck on that and it covered by roof and in the front there people who control 2 horses or until 4 horses to drag  with lots more horse power to make the carriage goes faster and to control the carriage, the reason why they used horse is because horse gives lots of power and be able to drag the carriage easily and they would not tired easily.Inside the carriage it be able to contain more than 2 people. The big thing that we notice or the main characteristic in this vehicle is, they put lots of decoration on the vehicle by using gold and they also put some painting on the side of the carriage, lots of their decorations is came from the old period such as the greek and roman. The material they use is normally gold the reason is they wanted to show they power that they are the king or to show that they can do anything, they started to play with lots of curve lines and combined them to get. The carriage in this period is the most luxury of all time. This carriage is mostly for the upper class people such as queen&king or for the wedding.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Industrial revolution

The industrial revolution, which took set from the 18th to 19th centuries, was a period during rural societies in Europe and the industrial revolution, which took lay from the 18th to 19th centuries, was a period during rural societies in Europe.


Earlier to the Industrial Revolution, this began in Britain in the late 1700s.


Cloth industries, along with the development of the steam engine, played central roles in the industrial revolution, which also saw improved systems of transportation, communicating and banking. While industrialization brought about an increased volume and variety of manufactured goods and an improved standard of living for some, it also resulted in often grim employment and living conditions for the poor and working classes.


Most manufacturing was done in homes or small, rural shops, using hand tools or simple machines.

A number of factors contributed to Britain role as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.

As demand for British goods increased, merchants needed more cost-effective methods of production, which led to the rise of mechanization and the factory system.


The transportation industry also undergoes the significant transformation during the Industrial Revolution. American Robert Fulton built the first commercially successful steamboat, and by the mid-19th century, steamships were carrying freight across the Atlantic in the early 1800s.

The steam locomotive was also coming into apply, as steam powered ships were doing their debut.

Manchester railroad became the first to offer regular, timetabled passenger services and in 1830, Liverpool. Around 1820, Scots applied scientist John McAdam developed a new process for road construction, additionally. His technique, which became known as macadam, resulted in roads that were smoother, more durable and less muddy.




This truck was developed from industrial Revolution edge. it can carry weight more by increasing the size of the truck, which result so that to the need of more horsepower in order to drag the heavy goods or things. 
For the wheels, it have tyres to cover and protect the wheels and absorb the impact from the ground.
The driver and passenger zone contains air conditioner and radio for comfortable usage to the driver and the passenger. The seats are developed to be amore comfortable by using sponges and covered with the animal skin or the imitation leather.
The Materials in the truck such as bumper are made from steels, which is use as the driver protection from the exterior impacts and airbags are use to protect from the interior impacts, it have headlight for night time usage.
The back part of the truck is functioned by hydraulic system for easier usage and also for loading down the goods. it able support wight maximum 53 tons per 1 truck part.

Each truck has different functions for usage e.g. soil industry for constructions, moving cars, cargo shipping, moving living things and non-living things.  Big trucks has lots of advantages, because of being able to carry lots of things it time saving.  The truck has a large capacity making it convenient to carry lots of things at once at a time. With so many energy its able to carry both heavy and light things.  Another good reason it because it doesn't have to depend schedules like air shipping or train, you can change plans in case of emergency. 
Some if the disadvantages are that the time consumption intake in each delivery is much slower than the airmail and also the fedex which is well known throughout the world.  Not only the time consumption loss in each delivery duration, the space taken by the truck on the road gives other vehicle hard times and increases the traffic jams due to the large space intake and also the truck can travels really slow because there is a speed limit law.


A carriage is a wheeled vehicle for people, usually horse-drawn. The carriage is designed for a private transport, but some are also used to transport goods. It may be light, smart and fast or heavy, large and comfortable.
Carriages may be enclosed or open, depending on the type. The hood or the top cover of the carriage is mostly flexible and designed to be folded back when needed. Such a folding top is called a bellows top or calash. The top, roof or second-story section of a closed carriage was called an imperial. A closed carriage may have side windows called quarter lights as well as windows in the doors, therefore a glass coach. On the forepart of an open carriage, mud or snow will thrown up by the heels of the horses, so they have a screen of wood or leather called a dashboard to catch water. The dashboard or carriage top sometimes has a projecting sidepiece called a wing. A foot iron or footplate may serve as a carriage step.
A carriage driver sits on a box or perch, usually elevated and small. When at the front it is known as a dickey box. A footman might use a small platform at the rear called a footboard or a seat called a rumble behind the body. Some carriages have a handy seat called a jump seat. Some seats had a connected backrest called a lazy back.
The shafts of a carriage were called limbers. A tough elastic wood of various trees called Lancewood was often used for carriage shafts. The end of the tongue of a carriage is hanging from the collars of the harness by a bar called the yoke. At the end of a trace, a loop called a cockeye attaches to the carriage.
In some carriage types the body is perched from several leather straps called braces or thorough braces, attached to or serving as springs.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Roman Chariot

The Romans were influenced directly by the Greeks after they conquered mainland Greece in 146 BC. In the Roman Empire, chariots were not used for warfare, but for chariot racing, especially in circuses, or for victory processions, when they could be drawn by as many as ten animals that can drive the chariots. There were four divisions of charioteers, the person who lead the chariots, determined by the color of their costumes: the red, blue, green and white teams. The main center of chariot racing was the Circus Maximus, set in the valley between the Palatine and Aventine Hills in Rome. The track could hold 12 chariots, and the two sides of the track were separated by a raised center name the spina. Chariot races continued to enjoy great popularity in Byzantine times even after the Olympic Games had been legal, until their decline after the Nika riots in the 6th century. The starting gates were known as the Carceres.
An ancient Roman car or chariot drawn by four horses abreast together with the horses drawing it was called a Quadriga, from the Latin quadrijugi, which means the team of four. The term sometimes meant instead the four horses without the chariot or the chariot alone. A three-horse chariot, or the three-horse team drawing it, was a triga, from trijugi, means the team of three.

Greek Chariots

Box Chariots

These early Achaean small box-chariots began to change in terms of design from the Near Eastern type. The four-spoke wheels seem to be certain throughout this period but it was made stronger and tougher. The axe was set near the center of the cab and a pole was also placed horizontally attached to the upper central part of the cab. The cab itself was framed in steam-bent wood may covered with ox-hide or wickerwork.

Quadrant Chariots

A rare type of chariot, known only from few representations, is the quadrant-chariot. It appears to have had a D-shaper floor; its siding consisted of what were probably heat-bend rails, the rounded profile approaching the quadrant of a circle. Also in this type of chariot the sides were probably covered with ox-hide or wickerwork.

Dual Chariots
 The dual-chariot was one of the most used chariots in the Aegean area. It is design by semi-circular extensions attached to the back of the chariot box. These extensions were unknown outside the Greek-influenced areas. They were probably made, also, from heat-bend wood with either textile or ox-hide stretched across the frame. The box also seems to have had the same covering, which enclosed it on three sides.

Chariots in Ancient Europe

The chariot, probably invented in the Near East, became one of the most innovative weaponry in Bronze Age warfare. It seems that the Achaeans adopt the chariot for use in warfare in the late 16th century BC as attested in some gravestones as well as seal and ring. The use of the chariot was more likely diffused in the Greek mainland from the Near East after the Middle Bronze Age as a result of the Central and East Europe migration flows and Achaeans' trade contacts with those regions.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mesopotamian Sailboat

Mesopotamian civilization was one of the first civilizations to flourish. They were the inventors of wheels, cuneiform, and sailboats. Sailboats were of utmost importance to them as transportation was essential to their culture. Read this article to learn more.
Five thousand years ago Mesopotamians started using sailing boats. Since Mesopotamia was situated between two famous rivers, namely the Euphrates and the Tigris, they needed water transportation for travel and trade. Some of the important items they are credited with inventing include wheels, chariots, sailboats and cuneiform. These are just some of the contributions by the Mesopotamians to the modern world. All this and more was around four to five thousand years ago.
A civilization flourishes based on its trade and commerce, and Mesopotamia was no exception. They wanted to set up trade relationships with nearby cities and countries. These were in the days before road routes were built making transportation of goods by land routes hectic and difficult. Therefore, they had to figure out an alternative mode of transportation for goods and people. This came in the form of water transportation, and thus the first boats were invented.
They were simple wooden boats that would carry people and goods downstream and then back upstream. But boats need people to navigate and guide them across rough waters, so the solution of having a vessel carries their goods and people had to be refined. Thus sailboats were invented. They were primitive in design, but the sailboats helped the Mesopotamians in trade and export.

Egyptian's Ancient Chariot

The chariot is a type of cart using animals, mostly horses to move the vehicle. Chariots were used for war as portable archery platforms and also used for hunting or racing for sport, and as a main vehicle of many ancient peoples. The original chariot was a fast, light, open, two-wheeled passage lead by two or more horses that is attached together side by side. The chariot, driven by a charioteer, was used for ancient warfare during the bronze and the iron ages. The vehicle was used for travel, in processions, games, and races after it had been set aside by other vehicles for military purposes. The chariot and horse were introduced to Egypt by the Hyksos invaders in the 16th century BC. It has been used for land transportation since then. Chariots are the key to Egyptians military success.
The Egyptian horse drawn chariot typically consisted of a light wooden semicircular framework with an open back surmounting an axle and two wheels of four or six spokes.
Some investigation of ancient chariots can tell that the Egyptians greatly made the design of this vehicle from better than the Middle East. However, while they certainly did make improvements to certain parts of the chariot, maybe it is made for different purpose. For example, the Egyptian chariot had a metal covering for the axes, which reduced friction, and this was certainly an improvement. Also, some wooden parts were strengthened by covering them with metal sleeves.
The chariot was built of pieces of wood which had been bent into the required shape possibly by immersing them in boiling hot water for several hours, bending them and then letting them dry. Various kinds of wood were used: elm, ash for the axles and sycamore for the foot board.
The Egyptians knew two types of chariots. These consisted of the four wheeled chariot which, by the late 18th and early 19th dynasties, were mostly abandoned for the superior six spoke vehicles. The six spoked wheels could be made lighter and were better supported than the heavier four spoked wheels, making the whole chariot more reliable.
The spokes of the wheels were made by bending six pieces of wood into a V-shape. These were glued together in such a way that every spoke was composed of two halves of two V-shaped pieces, forming a hexagonal star. The tips of the V's were fastened to the hub by wet cattle intestines, which hardened when they dried.

The tires were made of sections of wood, tied to the wheel with leather lashings which passed through slots in the tire sections. The thongs didn't come in contact with the ground, making the chariot more reliable by reducing the wear and tear. German carpenters who reconstructed such a chariot needed about six hundred hours to complete it.