Wednesday, July 24, 2013




This truck was developed from industrial Revolution edge. it can carry weight more by increasing the size of the truck, which result so that to the need of more horsepower in order to drag the heavy goods or things. 
For the wheels, it have tyres to cover and protect the wheels and absorb the impact from the ground.
The driver and passenger zone contains air conditioner and radio for comfortable usage to the driver and the passenger. The seats are developed to be amore comfortable by using sponges and covered with the animal skin or the imitation leather.
The Materials in the truck such as bumper are made from steels, which is use as the driver protection from the exterior impacts and airbags are use to protect from the interior impacts, it have headlight for night time usage.
The back part of the truck is functioned by hydraulic system for easier usage and also for loading down the goods. it able support wight maximum 53 tons per 1 truck part.

Each truck has different functions for usage e.g. soil industry for constructions, moving cars, cargo shipping, moving living things and non-living things.  Big trucks has lots of advantages, because of being able to carry lots of things it time saving.  The truck has a large capacity making it convenient to carry lots of things at once at a time. With so many energy its able to carry both heavy and light things.  Another good reason it because it doesn't have to depend schedules like air shipping or train, you can change plans in case of emergency. 
Some if the disadvantages are that the time consumption intake in each delivery is much slower than the airmail and also the fedex which is well known throughout the world.  Not only the time consumption loss in each delivery duration, the space taken by the truck on the road gives other vehicle hard times and increases the traffic jams due to the large space intake and also the truck can travels really slow because there is a speed limit law.

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